GLA Uniform Policy

In keeping with the Mission, Vision and Values of Gibraltar Leadership Academy all students wear a uniform. This policy acknowledges a respect for self and others by supporting each student to actively and equitably participate fully in a healthy learning environment through the creation of safe, inclusive and an accepting school community.

Please log into the parent portal to find the uniform order guide.

Boys Dress Code


Boys may wear a GLA crested maroon polo (long or short sleeve) or a GLA crested maroon hoodie/crewneck


Boys must be in black uniform pants. No joggers, jeans, or track pants are allowed to be worn to school on uniform days.

Girls Dress Code

Elementary- Kindergarten to Grade 6

Girls in the elementary grades may wear a GLA crested maroon polo or a GLA crested maroon hoodie

They are also required to wear black uniform pants with the above mentioned items. No joggers, jeans, or track pants are allowed to be worn to school on uniform days. 

A maroon or black hijab is a part of the uniform for students grades 5 and up.

Middle School Girls

Girls in Grades 7 and 8 have two uniform options:

Option 1- GLA crested full length polo with black uniform pants. No joggers, jeans, or track pants are allowed to be worn to school on uniform days. 

Option 2- Black Abaya. Students who wish to wear anything over their Abaya may wear a GLA crested maroon hoodie/crew neck.

Middle school girls are required to wear a maroon/black hijab as part of the school uniform.